Tuesday 8 May 2012

Press release sketches.

I've done some basic sketches which will help me to develop my design on screen relatively quicker with them in front of me. I've taken some aspects of my research into consideration including some features that occur in the Bulletin Magazines but also I've involved a few features from some research I found previously.
Anyway here are the sketches:

This first sketch is a simple page layout with the title at the top and 2 columns of text in the middle. I would like to have a blurred image of an ice rink in the background to make it a little different from all the other pages that are in Bulletin Magazine. That way it'll stand out no problem.
Also similar to the flyer I have in my previous research I could incorporate a swirly line like in this design:

Found via Google: http://www.presidiacreative.com/28-inspirational-flyer-designs/

As you can see the lines could represent a skating trail left by a player which I can add in the lower right corner.

I've noticed that quite a lot of press releases are small little articles at the bottom/side of the page. This is a design similar to that. In this one I have tried out the dotted line similar to the design feature in Bulletin Magazine and a small box similar to the Sports Magazine press release in my research:

This separates the press release from everything else on the page and you can tell it's a feature which are always worth a read! Just another idea to make it stand out.

These last two sketches are a little different because the type and shapes match the angle of the player on the page. I think this is a good way to get people's attention as all the other design features are displayed horizontally and don't have any interesting angles. I just need to find a way to make it consistent with the other pages.

These designs were inspired by another flyer research of mine I found earlier:

As you can see this is a very interesting take on experimenting with different angles and sizes.

Now I have my research and sketches in place I can focus on getting onto the designs.

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