Wednesday 2 May 2012

Gloves and shorts.

Gloves and shorts I found you can't completely 'customise' entirely, what I mean by that is that you can't change the structure of the shape but you can only change the colours. Most brands don't do this and Reebok only provide custom Goalie gear. So I did some more searching and I found that Warrior do customised gloves and pants. Here is the link to the customiser:

As I used the customiser I found that I was pretty limited as to what I could do with the templates that were made available but I had used a few different templates and switched the colours around, here are the results:

Overall I like how they turned out and I think I would have to choose the 2nd design as I think it looks best and suits the consistency of the jersey. I just find the placement of colours to be a lot more suitable and aesthetically pleasing.

Above is a picture of a glove set which has the wrong colour gold on it. Quite a few templates had this problem and so I couldn't use them and therefore was the reason I was so limited as to what I could do. However the 2nd design which I mentioned I'm happy with and think it suits my jersey.

Onto the shorts. Here I was really limited as to what I could do because they hardly had any different variations. And I also had the same problem as the above image where they had the wrong gold. Despite this I came out with the solution, here are the examples:

These three examples were the best that suited the jersey and gloves as they were simple. Making these shorts overly complicated wouldn't work because they don't have any important information or have no real significance to help the design. The best thing for them is to look simple and match the colours of everything else so it looks uniform and professional. So the above examples I thought best suited that. But see the 1st design the gold strip is the wrong colour again and that would not work so I was forced to use a white strip instead. Not liking that I tried a version with no strip, but just a blue surface area. I much prefer this version as it's simple and will work with both the home and away jerseys. Also it still has some gold along the rims to keep it consistent.

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