Sunday 19 February 2012

Final Major Proposal.

For my final major project I am going to produce an identity project for a fictional Ice Hockey team. The reason why I think this is a good subject is because it's different, interesting and I think it deserves more recognition through out the country. I want to promote the sport so it will help make it more popular.
Ice Hockey is a fast contact sport played on an ice rink. The teams are of six skaters who essentially try to hit a rubber disk (puck) into each other's goal using long sticks with a flat/curved blade on the end. Ice Hockey is most famous in Canada where locals would play on frozen lakes instead of having to use a rink. In addition it is also very popular in the US, Czech Republic, Finland, Russia and Sweden. I have noticed that Ice Hockey in the UK has become a little more popular but not enough to make it a well renowned sport here, hence why I want to do this project.

I want to produce the team's logo, kit and a promotional package which will include a poster, badges, a puck, fan shirt and various pieces of information about the team. I want to involve little things that people can wear, this way if they choose to wear these items it will promote the team where ever they go.

There are a lot of areas which I need to improve on. I want to make sure I revisit the course tutors about my work and make sure they are kept up to date a lot more and gain their input for the project. Also I will carry out the course's learning outcomes as requested. I need to try and make sure everything works and not just making something look nice.
Another thing that I need to improve on is dealing with people to get the right photography etc. I will aim to ask a local ice hockey team if I can take some pictures of them playing which will provide my photography for the project.

My experimentation is also something I need to work on. As I am involving a lot of various items within the promotional package then this gives me the opportunity to try different things. Photography is something that has a big impact on design and I feel it brings things alive. I want to improve my skills in this area and so the experimentation of photography will be involved. This includes aperture and exposure tests etc. Also I aim to post my designs on a design forum (yet to be decided on which site) and get advice from other people/designers and ask whether they think my designs work and are suitable.

I will aim to create an organised schedule for my work so the work is steady. I will make sure to try and show the tutors something new in my designs every week or two. This will grant me good time management and also a sense of direction with the advice from my tutors.
I will give each aspect of design in the project a certain amount of time with plenty of time in between/at the end of the project just in case things take longer than I would have thought. This will also give me the chance to change anything from feedback from tutors/friends.

For the contingency plan I realise that the local ice hockey team requires some travel and I may not get the right photography that I would want, therefore I need to make that a priority so I have plenty of time to get any additional content. I have other teams planned to take photos of if my primary team do not want to be involved for what ever reason.

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